These boots are made for walkies: Jaxs the terrier allergic to grass tries out his new shoes


These boots are made for walkies Jaxs the terrier allergic to grass tries out his new shoes  1
Jump for joy: Little Jaxs has become very attached to the boots, which are made of canvas and attached using velcro

When it's time for walkies in the Domanic household, instead of pawing away at the front door, Yorkshire Terrier Jaxs rushes off to pick up his booties.

The beloved pet has to be dressed in specially made boots to protect his delicate paws because of his unfortunate allergy.

Eight-year-old Jaxs suffers a painful reaction if he comes into contact with even a single blade of grass.

The allergy causes huge clumps of fur to fall out and leaves Jaxs suffering huge sores on his sensitive paws.

But Jaxs' life was transformed after a vet suggested his owner Maria Domanic, 59, fit him out in 'doggy boots'.

The care worker from Kingsbridge, Devon, said: 'He absolutely loves the boots. Initially he was a little tentative but over time he's become very protective of them.

These boots are made for walkies Jaxs the terrier allergic to grass tries out his new shoes  2
Booties for walkies: Eight-year-old Jaxs suffers a painful reaction if he comes into contact with even a single blade of grass

'I never really put two and two together with the allergy.

'One day, I took him to the vets and had him tested, which showed he was allergic to grass, as well as milk, protein and oats.

'He's so happy to finally be able to run around the field with other dogs.

'The allergy proves very painful for him and he would sometimes gnaw at his paws after walks.'

Happy at last: Maria Dominic with Yorkshire Terrier Jaxs

Jaxs has become very attached to the boots, which are made of canvas and attached using velcro.

But Maria admits she does get some odd looks and comments from fellow dog walkers.

She said: 'As soon as I got the lead he runs off and gets his boots and if another dog comes round or anyone tries to pick them up he will run off and protect them.

'He even sleeps with them in his basket. I've had a few people make some odd comments branding me "cruel" and "disgusting" for dressing him up in clothes.

'I have to explain it's for his own good and not some fashion statement I'm trying to make.'

source : dailymail

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