-Qin Chuan strikes up pose that looks just like Psy's hit routine
-Playmate LeLe unimpressed and chews bamboo instead
By Steve Robson
It's the most successful Youtube video of all time, now even giant pandas are doing their own version of the famous Gangnam dance.
Zoo keepers watched in amazement as Qin Chuan stood up on his hind legs and assumed a pose with an uncanny resemblance to Psy's smash hit routine.
Unfortunately his playmate LeLe seemed more interested in chewing on bamboo leaves.
Dancing on ice: Qin Chuan jumps up and assumes the now famous Gangnam pose
Cool moves: Qin Chuan gets into the groove at China's Jinbao Amusement Park in Weifang, Shandong
Parodies of the Korean dance have been popping up all over the world as it recently surpassed 1 billion hits.
So it shouldn't come as a surprise that those in the animal kingdom are getting in on the act.
The pair of giant pandas, who moved to China's Jinbao Amusement Park in Weifang, Shandong two years ago, have been spotted copying human behaviour before.
At the sight of the first snow of the year, LeLe also jumped up on his hind quarters and started running forward as if looking for a hug.
This time it was Qin Chuan who, after twirling around his enclosure several times, padded off looking fairly pleased with himself.
Spectators were delighted by the show and judging by this performance, Qin Chuan will be expecting the lead bear's role.
Cold feet: Qin Chuan limbers up, right, before taking a twirl during his impromptu routine, left
Qin Chuan pads off after strutting his stuff in front of LeLe looking satisfied with the performance
-The group couldn't resist rolling in the dirt on first trip out
-First-time mothers Nikata and Louisa seemed unimpressed
-Four males and four females born at Longleat Safari park in August
By Steve Robson
After finally being let out to play for the first time, these impatient lion cubs couldn't wait to get rolling around the dirt with a playful game of stuck in the mud.
The eight cubs - four males and four females - were born in August but they had not been allowed to join the rest of the pride at Longleat Safari and Adventure Park in Wiltshire until now.
The pouring rain didn't deter them from enjoying themselves and in fact made playing in the leaves and dirt all the more fun under the disapproving gaze of mothers Nikata and Louise.
The four-month cubs ventured out into the cold at Longleat Safari park for the first time today
The cubs appeared to enjoy getting muddy and taking it in turns to play on a fallen tree
The eight cubs- four male and four female - were born in August to lionesses Nikata and Louisa
Keepers say both the first-time mothers have been very attentive to their offspring, although they are less patient when it comes to humans.
'Nikata and Louisa don't seem to have any problem joining in the rough and tumble games with their cubs,' said keeper Bob Trollope.
'However, they are extremely protective and are nowhere near as accommodating with us.'
Within minutes of being released, the cubs were covered in mud and leaves and were taking it in turns to try to balance their way along a slippery fallen tree trunk.
Several of the braver individuals even began perfecting their ambush skills on their mother, although they were rather more cautious when father Hugo came over to say hello.
'Both mums have four cubs, with two of each sex, and Hugo is also a first-time father. However, he is considerably less interested in the youngsters and soon went back to what male lions do best - sleeping,' said Mr Trollope.
Two of the adorable cubs hide underneath their mother after the rough and tumble gets too much for them
The cubs were undaunted by their first trip outside and enjoyed playing around in the leaves and mud
Lionesses Nikata and Louise keep a watchful eye on the cubs as they play
Longleat is famed for its lions, which are kept in two separate prides, but this is the first time the 'woodland' pride has had cubs.
At birth, the cubs weighed just 2lb but now tip the scales at 18lb.
Male lions usually reach their full size by the age of two, while females will be about three years old before they are fully grown.
Adult lions can weigh up to 440lb and grow to lengths in excess of 10ft.
-Photographer Mark Taylor, from Guildford, has earned himself the title 'Master of Cuteness' for snaps like these
-He follows in the footsteps of his renowned photographer mother Jane Burton who passed away in 2007
By Amanda Williams
Even the coldest-hearted Scrooge would be melted by these adorable Christmas animals.
Dressed in Santa hats or playing with tinsel the merry models start their careers early - aged just six weeks old.
And it's a fine art for photographer Mark Taylor, from Guildford, who has to distract the kittens and puppies just enough so they don't eat the props.
Hey, that's my hat! Photographer Mark Taylor supplies card companies and calendar makers all over the world with his cute snaps
Time for a nap: Even the coldest-hearted Scrooge would have their heart melted by these adorable Christmas animals
What a little cracker: The photographer manages to distract his subjects just long enough to get the perfect shot
Card companies and calendar makers all over the world use his work which he does following in the footsteps of his renowned photographer mother Jane Burton who passed away in 2007.
Growing up in Surrey Mr Taylor said he was surrounded by some very unusual animals his mother used to photograph.
Mr Taylor, 48, who together with dad Kim Taylor run the family firm Warren Photographic, in Guildford, said continuing his mother's work was a lovely experience.
He said: 'Growing up in Albury in Surrey as a child we used to have a tame fox, a badger, an iguana and even a type of crocodile called a caiman. The kids would love to come to our house because it was like a zoo.
Give us a slice! The photographer has mastered the art of getting different animals to work together
Baa Humbug: This little lamb does not seem to think much of his Santa hat
Dog tired: Dressed in Santa hats or playing with tinsel the animals start their merry modelling careers aged just six weeks old
Peekaboo! The photographer is following in the footsteps of his renowned photographer mum Jane Burton who passed away in 2007
'I'm not sure this suits me': The photgapher said continuing his mother's work was 'a lovely experience'... although this chap doesn't look so sure
'At first I wasn't as keen on photography, we spent some time as a family in Kenya.
My sister Hazel and I would spend what seemed like hours in the back of a Land Rover while mum waited to get a picture of a lion or something.
'But I actually picked up a camera about 15 years ago when I was in Canada while my ex-wife taught there, mum said to me as something to do why don't I do landscape pictures for them.
Where are the huskies when you need them? Mark Taylor has now become known as 'the master of cuteness' for his work with animals
Nuts about Christmas: This cheeky little chap won't be telling anyone where he has squirreled his presents away until the big day
'The Canadian landscape is stunning on the western coast and I think I got the bug from there. Doing the cute animal pictures now is a great privilege and I am proud to continue mum's work.'
Mark said using Christmas hats and props with his furry subjects was a challenge especially as most of the time they tried to eat them.
It wasn't us: These two look like they may been caught up in some trouble as they play with Christmas decorations
He said: 'The natural reaction of a kitten is to lift its paw up and try and take the hat off and eat the bobble.
'Luckily as well as inheriting mum's talent for cute animal pictures I also have her assistant Britta who is great at keeping them distracted just long enough to get the picture.'
By Daily Mail Reporter
He may be playing in sub-zero temperatures but this adorable giant panda could still melt any heart.
The lovable bear clearly relished the snowfall at at Yantai Zoo in Shandong Province, China, yesterday as he rolls around in the white stuff.
First of all the brave panda shows off his skills on the climbing frame by crawling along upside down.
But it seems he only had eyes for the tyre swing.
Fearless: The giant panda shows off his skills as he crawls upside down on the snow-covered climbing frame
Not tyred out yet: The panda moves on to the tyre swing as he rolls around in the snow
Oops: The panda tips over in the thick snow
After tentatively making his way along the beam, he then grabs the tyre for a play fight in the fresh snow.
And even when he lost his balance, the panda refused to be beaten.
He immediately jumped up again for another wrestle and a swing before finally allowing himself a rest.
No time to paws: The panda does not lie in the snow long before jumping back on the tyre
Giant pandas are solitary bears when in the wild, usually preferring their own company when foraging in Chinese bamboo forests.
They are an endangered species, with less than 2,000 thought to be left roaming free in the cool forests that are their natural habitat.
They mostly eat bamboo, but in captivity are also enjoy being fed honey, eggs, fish, yams, leaves, oranges, bananas and other special treats.
By Daily Mail Reporter
He may be playing in sub-zero temperatures but this adorable giant panda could still melt any heart.
The lovable bear clearly relished the snowfall at at Yantai Zoo in Shandong Province, China, yesterday as he rolls around in the white stuff.
First of all the brave panda shows off his skills on the climbing frame by crawling along upside down.
But it seems he only had eyes for the tyre swing.
Fearless: The giant panda shows off his skills as he crawls upside down on the snow-covered climbing frame
Not tyred out yet: The panda moves on to the tyre swing as he rolls around in the snow
Oops: The panda tips over in the thick snow
After tentatively making his way along the beam, he then grabs the tyre for a play fight in the fresh snow.
And even when he lost his balance, the panda refused to be beaten.
He immediately jumped up again for another wrestle and a swing before finally allowing himself a rest.
No time to paws: The panda does not lie in the snow long before jumping back on the tyre
Giant pandas are solitary bears when in the wild, usually preferring their own company when foraging in Chinese bamboo forests.
They are an endangered species, with less than 2,000 thought to be left roaming free in the cool forests that are their natural habitat.
They mostly eat bamboo, but in captivity are also enjoy being fed honey, eggs, fish, yams, leaves, oranges, bananas and other special treats.
-Nikolaus the foal was born at Berg Zoo in Halle, Germany, at just 8.3kg
-Birth came as Germany prepared to mark inspiration for Father Christmas
By Alex Gore
This little donkey is plodding on towards Christmas after taking zookeepers by surprise when he was born premature.
Worried staff at Berg Zoo in Halle, east Germany, kept a round the clock vigil for two days when Nikolaus was born weighing just 8.3kg.
But after plenty of love, attention and bottle feeding, the foal pulled through and became strong enough to join his mother in her stables.
Adorable: The foal weighed just8.3kg when he was born at Berg Zoo in Halle, east Germany, this month
Christmas present: Nikolaus was determined not to miss out on the festive fun by being born premature
Concern: Worried staff kept a round the clock vigil for two days after Nikolaus arrived ahead of Christmas
Nikolaus was born just minutes after midnight on December 4, with donkeys born before 11 months considered premature.
His arrival came as many Germans were preparing to celebrate St Nicholas of Myra two days later.
St Nicholas was a Greek Christian bishop who became a patron saint of children, sailors, merchants and students, and is widely accepted as the primary inspiration for Father Christmas.
He lived during the lived during the 3rd Century and became known for his generosity and secretly giving gifts to children.
Reunited: After two days of bottle feeding, the foal was strong enough to join his mother in her stable
Festive fun: Nikolaus was named after St Nicholas of Myra, the primary inspiration for Father Christmas
Foal in the mirror: Zookeepers have been getting Nikolaus into the festive spirit with a bright red Santa hat
By Becky Evans
Forget Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer, dogs dressed as Father Christmas are just as cute.
And who needs Little Donkey, when you have the Holiday Horse.
As these adorable pictures show, cats and dogs, lizards, rabbits, horses and even goats can get just as festive as their owners.
All dressed up: But he doesn't look a happy bunny does he - despite the time of year?
Christmas helper: This pampered pooch looks happy to be dressed as Santa
Not so merry: This little dog has donned a Christmas hat but does not look like he is in the festive spirit
Holiday cheer: This cheeky poodle is certainly enjoying the Christmas gear
Fashion fur-ward: These dogs have gone to town with their Christmas outfits
The animals have been given a Yuletide makeover - although some do not seem thrilled with the transformation.
A French bulldog looks forlorn in its Christmas outfit, while another dog looks suspiciously at the camera from under its over sized Santa hat.
A horse also seems bemused as he is forced to embrace the festivities in some seasonal headwear.
Although the most fashion fur-wood dogs seem to enjoy the attention.
Festive feline: This cat puts its feet up over Christmas
Spot the difference: This unhappy looking cat gets lost among the cuddly toys
Bunny love: These cute rabbits pose in their Christmas capes
Unusual gift: A pair of reptiles pose in bonnets under the Christmas tree
-Subway passengers in Berlin were surprised to share their carriage with a pony
-Angry rail authorities say the police have been informed of the incident
By Harriet Cooke
A pony perplexing German commuters on the subway has become the latest internet sensation.
A YouTube video of the brown Shetland pony's antics on Berlin's S-Bahn - an overground subway similar to London's Tube - has been watched nearly a quarter of a million times since it was posted on Thursday.
A mystery blonde woman, in her twenties, can be seen nonchalantly leading her horse on to the train.
Scroll down for video
Shock: The mystery blonde woman, in her twenties, led her brown Shetland pony onto Berlin's S-Bahn, prompting surprised looks from fellow passengers
Not fussed: Some passengers were clearly less enraptured by the animal, and continued to read
She held the horse on a short leash as it stood patiently surveying other passengers.
Fellow commuters were bemused by the bizarre scene - but quick to photograph and film the cute pony.
Passenger Jarkko Riihimaki said: 'This was supposed to be a normal trip home with the S-Bahn.
'After one stop, a girl - pretty conventional looking - comes in with a pony. Yes, with a pony!
'I don't know what to say about the whole thing.'
A S-Bahn spokesman failed to see the funny side of the incident, saying the horsey passenger clearly violated its travel policy.
Spokesman Burkhard Ahlert said: 'One may smile but according to our transport regulations, this is clearly not allowed.
'This clearly violates our conditions of carriage.
'A horse can be dangerous. What if it escapes? The S-Bahn is no place for such animals.
'We have informed the police already.'
He said that it is believed that the pony belongs to a circus troupe that collects donations.
Careful: Passengers on the S-Bahn carefully edged their way around the animal
Wow: One passenger leans in for a close-up shot of the animal on his mobile phone
Affection: The pony nuzzles another commuter who did not shy away from the unusual subway passenger
Watch the hilarious moment the Shetland pony boards the train and surprises passengers: