It's a £1.3billion industry... but is whale watching harmful to whales?

By Daily Mail Reporter

Harmful? A Killer whale surfacing near a group of whale watchers in Norway

Organised whale watching can have negative effects on the health of pods, according to a conservation group.

With more than 13million people enjoying the experience all over the world each year, The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society has said the growing industry can be disruptive to the animals well-being.

Vanessa Williams-Grey, who heads the Responsible Whale Watch Programme at the WDCS, said each trip is differs in its effect on the creatures.

She said:'Badly run trips can translate into all sorts of negative reactions from the whales.

'They can stop resting or increase their respiratory rate.

'If they are using more energy this will have an impact on their health.'

Other experts suggest that frequent interaction with whales can stop them foraging for food and even impact the survival of their young.

Dr David Lusseau, from the Institute of Biological and Environmental Science at the University of Aberdeen, said problems have arisen as the industry has gone from strength to strength.

He said: 'In the long term this can have an impact of the whales' vital rates.

'Females can even stop producing enough milk for their calves, which can decrease the survival rate of their young.

'Ultimately the viability of a pod can be threatened.'

Whale of a time: A humpback whale off the New South Wales coast

The International Whaling Commission will discuss measures to control badly managed trips at a conference held in Jersey this week.

A report by the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA) in partnership will be promoted at the meeting which be attended by international bodies.

It sets out a series of measures to control human activities which harm whales, including badly managed whale watching.and entanglement in fishing gear.

The study also raises concerns that commercial hunting of whales causes severe and prolonged suffering which is at odds with modern commercial slaughter standards.

A spokesman for the International Fund for Animal Welfare said: 'Ifaw believes it is unacceptable that whales are still being cruelly harpooned for commercial reasons.

'Delegates have an opportunity to make positive and lasting change for whales when they meet in Jersey over the next few days and we hope this opportunity will not be missed.'

Fisheries and Natural Environment Minister Richard Benyon said: 'The IWC should show leadership in developing initiatives for the conservation and welfare of whales.

'This report provides a series of practical recommendations for how the International Whaling Commission can continue to strengthen its welfare agenda.'

Good whale hunting: A sperm whale impresses watchers in the water around Kalkoura, in New Zealand


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